Martin Piaček: Studie pro spící sad
Prvního pluku 2, 186 00 Praha 8

vernisáž: 6. 12. 2018, 18:00
výstava: 7. 12. 2018 – 27. 1. 2019
Martin Piaček (1972) graduated from Juraj Bartusz and Jozefa Jankovič’s studio at VŠVU in Bratislava, where he works from 2018 as head of vvv studio (visual, verbal, public) at the Department of Intermedia. Since 2006 his main focus is the question of identity in modern Slovak history but recently, the artist started to develop more personal themes, using the individual anecdote to reflect complex societal problematics.
At Karlin Studios, Piaček recreates an orchard as his « small version of paradise »*, whose goal will be to survive the winter inside the gallery without sprouting / waking up for the spring. A living dormant orchard as a symbol of human appropriation of nature, and the artists’ effort to inverse the situation: in his installation, the artist not only confronts the audience to the sensation of an unquiet sleep, but also gives back to the trees their own voice, their – above it all – magic power, their supremacy.
As for older works the artist particularly focuses on themes like human need of instrumentalisation of its surroundings and emphasizes its contradictions, creating a more complex, layered, version of – non human – truth.
* « Martin Piaček – It's like a small version of Paradise, povedala » is the exhibition title to his current participation to Radovan Čerevka’s exhibition, Moc v Múzeu at Východoslovenská galéria in Košice.