Zveme na další přednášku z cyklu Collegium historiae artium, kterou přednese Dörte Wetzler (Weimar, Denkmalschutzbehörde) na téma Staging the Scourged Saviour. The 18th Century Pilgrimage Church of Wies as Framing of a Holy Image.


Built to house and present a venerated object, pilgrimage churches act as framing devices. By this, they influence and form the perception and veneration of the pilgrimage´s target. Departing from that research approach, the talk investigates the example of the 18th century Rococo pilgrimage church of Wies in Southern Germany (b. 1744—1745). It stages the image of a flagellated Christ, called the Scourged Saviour. How does it convey the holy image? And which elements of the contemporary discourse form its specific form of enclosing and presenting the venerated figure?


místo konání: zasedací místnost (sál 117) Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR